You have reached the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers Health & Welfare Fund site.
If you have any questions about your rights under the PFT Collective Bargaining Agreement,
please click HERE.
Welcome New Members!
Please fill out this form to enroll in the PFT Health & Welfare Funds Vision, Prescription and Dental benefit programs. You may submit the form and the necessary documents via personal email at or through the mail at the address on the form. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at 215-561-2722 or through our website here.
Our medical plans continue to maintain the same coverage, including:
- Six (6) no co-pay visits to a registered dietician for Nutritional Counseling.
- Tobacco Cessation Program “STEP AWAY FROM TOBACCO”, open to ALL employees regardless of medical insurance.
The following changes to the Employee Contributions will go into effect:
- Effective July 1, 2023, and reflected in the paycheck dated 7/21/2023, for those with a premium based contribution there will be a 1.8% increase in the medical contributions. Rates are available on the Benefits website.
The PFT Health & Welfare Fund is offering members an additional benefit at no cost!
PFT Health & Welfare Fund Health Advocate Services
Check out the brochure – HERE
Quick link to the PFT Health & Welfare Advocate site
PFT Health and Welfare Fund Benefits
The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers Health and Welfare Fund was established to provide members and their qualified beneficiaries with collectively bargained benefits, including prescription, dental, vision, long term disability, professional development and retirement counseling. This website describes all the benefits that are available to you as a Participant in the Fund, and the conditions under which the benefits are available. For detailed information about each benefit, please click on one of the above links or read the Summary Plan Description.
Newborn Insurance Coverage
Within 30 days of the birth, a newborn must be separately enrolled in School District Medical Insurance as well as the PFT Health and Welfare Fund.
Within 30 days of the birth, complete the enrollment application and return to the District Benefit office with a copy of the hospital birth record.
- SDP Health Application and Attestation
- This application is for all SDP provided insurance plans
- Complete all sections in entirety.
- Fax application and a copy of hospital birth record to the Benefits Office at (215) 400-4631 or email to Call (215) 400-4630 to confirm receipt of the application and hospital records.
- If you are CASA, Non-Represented, SPAP or PFT member and have a spouse or partner enrolled in your medical coverage, you must complete page 2, Letter of Attestation, for any requested change.
Within 60 days from date of birth – Fax a copy of the child’s birth certificate and Social Security Number to (215) 400-4631 or email to Call (215) 400-4630 to confirm receipt.
This must be submitted in addition to the PFT Health & Welfare Fund Notice of Change Form. It is mandatory that you submit the separate and distinct documentation to the respective organizations. The School District application must be submitted within 30days.
Important Reminders
- If you wish to change your address, or to add or delete a dependent, click on the ‘Notice of Change‘ form which outlines what documentation is required. Mail the form and documentation to the Fund, attn: Eligibility 1816 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103.
- Please use to email documents to the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers Health and Welfare Fund. Be sure to include your name and contact phone number in the email and always use a personal email address.
- Employees who begin working by the 15th calendar day of the month, will receive Health and Welfare Fund coverage effective on the first (1st) day of the month. For those Employees who begin working after the fifteenth (15th) calendar day of the month, Fund coverage will become effective on the first (1st) day of the following month.
Where Are You in Your Career?
Active Employees

Click the button above to read our PDF summary of your benefits or see the menu above for more options.
Available Information To Members
PSERS web site has information available regarding the new classes, T-E and T-F. especially for new members. PSERS shows you their option to convert to T-F. The link is below, If you are interested, follow the link –
Teachers planning to retire at the end of June may retain their Personal Choice or Keystone coverage through August 31, provided that the Office of Retirement receives a “Notification of Retirement / Resignation” form on or before April 15. Forms may be obtained on-line at or by contacting the Retirement Office located at The…